Koralayagama Saranathissa Thero Contact Number

Koralayagama Saranathissa Thero Contact Number

Looking to connect with Venerable Koralayagama Saranathissa Thero? Find the direct contact number and reach out to this esteemed Buddhist monk for spiritual guidance, teachings, and counseling. Get in touch with Venerable Saranathissa Thero and embark on a profound journey of enlightenment and wisdom. Contact now!

Address :

Siri Dhammakiththikarama Purana Viharaya,
Vihara Mawatha,
Rukmale Road,
Sri Lanka.

Phone Number :

(+94) 112 899 808 – Land Line
(+94) 729 101 807 – Rev. Lelwala Dhammakusala Thero

(+94) 112 899 722 – Rev. Ittapana Dhammalankara Thero
(+94) 112 899 675 – Thisarana Elders’ Home